You're not alone in the Saga.
At King, we take actions to protect the information you share with us:
Action 1
We limit who we share your information with
We only share your information with:

And, we can share your information with other organisations if we are asked to do so, or we believe it is necessary to:

Did you know?
So that you can't be personally identified from your information when we share it, before it's shared we turn it into a secret code that no-one but us and our partners can understand.
We also share your information once you've told us we can (that’s what we mean by “you have given your consent”).
Action 2
We limit the countries where we keep your information
Sometimes we work with other companies and use servers that are based outside the European Economic Area zone, Switzerland and UK, to use and store your information. Wherever we use and store your information, we will make sure your information is protected in the same way as it would be in the European Economic Area zone, Switzerland and UK.
Action 3
We limit the time we keep your information for
We keep your information for as long as your account is active. Sometimes, we may keep your personal information after you close your account, for example, if the law requires it.
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